Get In The Frame | Lifestyle Documentary | Los Angeles Family Photographer

Documenting relationships through photography is something that has become very important to me. I hope the photos that I take for my clients are cherished for generations to come. I often think about a friend of mine who has one of their images on their wall in a 30X45 print. I know they love it. I love it every time I see it and I can’t stop thinking about how in 100 years it will still be seen by their great great grandchildren. 

I’m going to reel it back in a hundred years and bring us back to the present. My daughter is currently four years old. She is a firecracker and still wants to snuggle and hug me. Most days I am not really prepared to be in a picture. We’ve gotten to a point where I do finally get a shower every day, but I usually am never camera ready. Time is not waiting for me to get it together to be ready to put my face in front of the camera. The little things are making me realize that time is moving and she is growing. She’s walking down stairs one at a time, instead of both feet stepping on every step. She can open the refrigerator and get what she needs out and she just walked a plate from my office into the kitchen to the sink after I asked her to. In a time that’s not too far way from now she will be asking me for the keys to the car and walking out the door to pursue her dreams. But for now she still wants me to tie her shoes and help her into her princess dresses (that just happened too. Ha. It’s a busy morning in my office).

I want to be able to look back in ten or twenty years on this time of our life to the moments that seem so ordinary, mundane and sometimes even hard. I want the images because I know how honestly they make me feel the essence of that particular experience, so I am making a conscious choice to put aside my insecurities and the negative self talk and get in front of the lens with her. The photos aren’t always perfect photos. It doesn’t matter. I want to remember how snuggly she is after a bath and the weight of her in my lap, what a crazy mess of stuffed animals her room is most days and the joy that it brings her, how she needs to stand on a chair to reach the kitchen counter to “help” me cut vegetables for dinner and the feeling of that really hard Thursday when she asked me to crawl into the bath with her. Those days aren’t very far from where we are now and they give me all the feels, I can only image what it will be like to look back with her as she grows.

Whether you book a session to document this time, hand your phone to a stranger or you set up your phone on a timer and jump in the frame - DO IT! They won’t always be the age that they are now and you are going to want to look back on it and they are going to want to see you there with them. 

Want some professional help capturing you and your littles (teens can still be considered littles too). CLICK HERE to get in contact.